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Roswell Cabinet Refinishing
The process of painting cabinets is one of the simpler services we provide. This service is great for when your cabinets are in good condition, but the color is a bit outdated.
Process for repainting the cabinets:
Typically takes 2-3 coats
Should I just do it myself???
When it comes to cabinet painting, there are several things to bear in mind when making this decision. That's why we've gone into detail on whether or not to go DIY (don't) or consider hiring a professional. That way, you can guarantee that you make the best decision for your kitchen.
Cabinet Painting Isn't as Easy as It Sounds
The first thing we need to stress is that cabinet painting isn't as simple as it sounds. Some people might believe that doing it DIY wouldn't be such a tricky idea. But the truth is that cabinet painting can be more trouble than it's worth if you're not an experienced professional.
Proper cabinet painting usually requires you to dismantle parts of your kitchen in order to paint surfaces correctly. There are also several stages to bear in mind (we'll get onto those later) to make sure the job is done right.
Finally, a shoddily done cabinet painting job is something that is very noticeable to the naked eye. You may have garish brush marks on the front of your cabinets, or the paint may scratch over time if it's poorly made or applied.
These shoddy results can make all the hard work you put in worth nothing in the long run. This is why there are many notable benefits of professional cabinet painting.
Around $67 billion was spent on kitchen renovations in 2015. We can guarantee you that spending money on a professional cabinet painting job won't run you up much compared to that.
A Professional Cabinet Painter Will Prepare Accordingly for the Job
The first major benefit of a professional cabinet painter is that they will prepare for the job properly. As we mentioned above, a cabinet painting job is a series of important stages. They include sanding the surface down, before anything else. Then, it involves dealing with any grit and grime that are on the surface. If either of these two stages is skipped, then there's no chance you're going to end up with a clean finish on your new kitchen look.
Next, the primer has to be applied to the cabinet. This is to ensure that the paint that is applied later, adheres to the cabinet appropriately. Without primer, you'll likely be seeing those brushstrokes we mentioned earlier.
All of these stages are aspects of the job you're likely to forget or ignore if you go DIY. Or, even if you do remember them, chances are you may not fulfill these jobs properly.
Professional Cabinet Painters Use The Finest Tools
If you invest in a professional, you can also rest assured that they're using the best materials for the job. These include the best brushes, as well as the best primers and paints for your cabinets.
A professional will have their own inventory of dedicated tools specific to this kind of painting job. These items may be expensive to get hold of on your own. The cost could then lead you to buy inferior products if you decide to do the painting on your own. Using inferior products is a surefire way to get an inferior finish overall. If you want your cabinets to look the best, you need to pay for the best.
The best way to obtain expensive materials for less is by hiring an experienced professional. This is one of the key values of a painting specialist. They'll be able to use their inventory directly on your cabinets for the best finish possible.
Professional Cabinet Painters Take the Necessary Time
Finally, if you hire a reputable professional, you know they'll take the time required to ensure your job is performed properly.
For the right kind of cabinet painting to update your home, you need to commit time to the process. This doesn't just include engaging in all the preparatory measures that we mentioned above. It also involves leaving enough time for each coat of primer and paint to dry on a cabinet. Then, it may well involve reapplication, at least once, to ensure the sheen on the paint is as high quality of a finish as possible.
If you go DIY, chances are you're not going to know when the paint is dry. This can mean painting over wet paint, which is a futile action. Or, you may end up not painting over the first application, which will result in a mediocre finish.
A professional cabinet painter will be able to assess all of your kitchen cabinets when starting a project. They can then inform you exactly how long a project will take, and how much it'll likely cost. You could even ask their opinion on what finish would work best in your property.
All of these reasons prove why hiring a professional is ultimately worthwhile and worth the money. They will be on hand to help you and to ensure that your cabinet painting is finished as well as it can be.
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